Dev tool

The Kingly devtool supports developers in tracing and debugging state machine behaviors. The devtool works in tandem with the Kingly library. It will thus not work if you compile your state machine graph with the slim compiler. It will however work if you compile your state machine graph with the yed2kingly compiler.

The Kingly library sends events to the devtool signalling specific moments of its processing cycle (e.g., started, event received, guard computed, etc.). Developer can thus visually trace in real-time the outputs from the different processing stages of the machine.

The Kingly devtool comes in the form of a Chrome extension. As such, it should work with any Chromium-based browser (e.g., Edge, Brave).

Get started

To install the extension, go to the Google Chrome Store, and search for Courtesan (or go here), then click on Add to Chrome. The extension should work on all Chromium browsers.

How to use

This section assumes that you have already installed the Chrome extension from the Google Chrome Store. For Kingly to send messages to the devtool, you will need to create a Kingly state machine as follows:

import {tracer} from "courtesan";
const fsm = createStateMachine(fsmDef, {debug:{console}, devTool:{tracer}});

As the previous screenshot shows, the extension graphical interface is divided into two panels: the left panel which displays the messages received by the extension; and the right panel which displays specific details about the received messages:

Left panel

The Kingly library logs:

Right panel

The right panel consists of two tabs: the Machine state tab, and the Details tab.

The Machine state tab displays the state of the machine. As that state changes, the tab will also display a diff. between the machine previous state and the new state. The state of a Kingly machine is understood as an object with three properties:

The Details tab will display data that is relevant to the message being clicked on by the extension user.

For instance, in case of: