User profile route

In this section, we will modelize and implement the user flows related to the User profile route. In that route, articles favorited by a given user (i.e. liked by that user) and articles written by that given user will be displayed. The user in question is identified by the route with the shape #/@username. Articles liked by a given user have a specific route of the shape #/@username/favorites, allowing for direct linking.

If the (authenticated) user navigating to the route is the same as the user whose profile must be displayed, that user may edit his profile settings. Otherwise, the navigating user may follow the user whose profile page is displayed. In both cases, the navigating user may view and like/unlike any displayed articles, just like in the Home route.

The user does not need to be authenticated to access the User profile route and its functionalities. The user however needs to authenticate himself to like/unlike an article or follow a user profile. When attempting to do so, the user will be redirected to the Sign-up page.


We already have identified the screens in the Specifications section. Ler’s remind them here:

Route State Main screen
#/@bcouriol profile settings, authenticated user is viewing his profile, My articles tab profile-settings
#/@deneme22 profile settings, profile is not that of visiting user, My articles tab user
#/@bcouriol/favorites profile settings, authenticated user is viewing his profile, Favorited tab profile-settings
#/@deneme22/favorites profile settings, profile is not that of visiting user, Favorited tab profile-settings

The UI for the editor route will be implemented with a UserProfile Svelte component. The full source code for the UserProfile component can be accessed in the repository.

UI testing

As before, we test the UI with Storybook. The corresponding stories are available in the source repository.


We have the following commands for the User profile route (some of which also being used for the Home route):

Command Command parameters Description
REDIRECT hash to redirect to redirects the user to a new/same hash location
FETCH_AUTHENTICATION fetches user session data if any
FAVORITE_ARTICLE article slug sends an API request to like an article
UNFAVORITE_ARTICLE article slug sends an API request to unlike an article
FETCH_PROFILE username sends an API request to the Get profile endpoint
FOLLOW_PROFILE username sends an API request to the Follow user endpoint
UNFOLLOW_PROFILE username sends an API request to the Unfollow user endpoint
FETCH_AUTHOR_FEED articles’ author’s username and page index sends an API request to the List Articles endpoint


We have the following events for the User profile route (some of which also being used for the Home route):

Event Event data Occurs when
ROUTE_CHANGED hash user clicks on a link (direct linking or redirection for authentication)
ARTICLES_FETCHED_OK articles data as returned by the API articles fetch API call executed successfully
ARTICLES_FETCHED_NOK error articles fetch API call failed
CLICKED_PAGE page index user clicks on a page number in the pagination section
TOGGLED_FAVORITE article’s slug and whether the article is favorited at the moment of the toggling user clicks to like or unlike an article
FAVORITE_OK article and slug data article was successfully liked by the user
FAVORITE_NOK error and slug data user failed to like the article
UNFAVORITE_OK article and slug data article was successfully unliked by the user
UNFAVORITE_NOK error and slug data user failed to unlike the article
TOGGLED_FOLLOW username to follow, and whether that username is followed at the time of the toggling user clicks to follow or unfollow a user
TOGGLE_FOLLOW_OK profile data user successfully followed/unfollowed a profile
TOGGLE_FOLLOW_NOK err and profile data user failed to follow/unfollow a profile
FETCHED_PROFILE profile data API response to a Get profile request
FETCH_PROFILE_NOK error API error response to a Get profile request

Commands implementation

The REDIRECT, FETCH_AUTHENTICATION, FAVORITE_ARTICLE, UNFAVORITE_ARTICLE have already been written when implementing the Home route. For FETCH_PROFILE, FOLLOW_PROFILE, UNFOLLOW_PROFILE, FETCH_AUTHOR_FEED, we defer to the API passed on through effect handlers:

[FETCH_PROFILE]:(dispatch, params, effectHandlers) => {
  const { fetchProfile } = effectHandlers;
  const username = params;

    .then(({profile}) => dispatch({[FETCHED_PROFILE]: profile}))
    .catch((err) => dispatch({[FETCH_PROFILE_NOK]: err}))
[FETCH_AUTHOR_FEED]: (dispatch, params, effectHandlers) => {
  const { fetchAuthorFeed, fetchFavoritedFeed } = effectHandlers;
  const {username, page, feedType} = params;
  const fetchFn = {[USER_PROFILE_PAGE]: fetchAuthorFeed, [FAVORITE_PROFILE_PAGE]: fetchFavoritedFeed}[feedType];

  fetchFn({username, page})
    .then (({articles, articlesCount}) => dispatch({[ARTICLES_FETCHED_OK]: {articles, articlesCount}}))
    .catch(err => dispatch({[ARTICLES_FETCHED_NOK]: err}))
[FOLLOW_PROFILE]: (dispatch, params, effectHandlers) => {
  const { follow } = effectHandlers;
  const username = params;

    .then (({profile}) => dispatch({[FOLLOW_OK]: profile}))
    .catch(err => dispatch({[FOLLOW_NOK]: err}))
[UNFOLLOW_PROFILE]: (dispatch, params, effectHandlers) => {
  const { unfollow } = effectHandlers;
  const username = params;

    .then (({profile}) => dispatch({[UNFOLLOW_OK]: profile}))
    .catch(err => dispatch({[UNFOLLOW_NOK]: err}))

Behaviour modelization

The modelization we reach is the following:

profile route behavior modelization high level

Zooming in on the Profile route compound control state:

profile route behavior modelization zoomed in

User scenarios test

We pick a set of scenarios that covers the transitions of our modelized graph so that every transition in our graph is exercised at least once during our tests. We can conceptually separate those scenarios into main cases and edge cases (API request failure, unexpected inputs, etc.).

In the main cases group, we will select the following tests:

Subset Event sequence
(own profile, my articles) like article, unlike article, change page
(own profile, favorite articles) like article, unlike article, change page
(≠ profile, my articles) follow user, unfollow user
(≠ profile, favorite articles) follow user, unfollow user

In the edge cases group, we will select the following tests:

Subset Event sequence
(own profile, my articles) profile fetch fails, article fetch fails
(own profile, my articles) follow user fails, like article fails, unlike article fails
(own profile, my articles) unfollow user fails, like article fails, unlike article fails
(unauth user, my articles) like article fails and user is redirected to the signup page
(unauth user, my articles) follow profile fails and user is redirected to the signup page

The resulting 9 user scenarios are then gathered as follows:

const userStories = [


We take advantage of our TDD refactoring stage to do a little bit of cleanup in our application shell. We also initially started with events such as FOLLOW_OK, UNFOLLOW_OK, FOLLOW_NOK, UNFOLLOW_NOK, i.e. 4 events to cover the API responses linked to the follow/unfollow functionality. We brought that down to 2: TOGGLE_FOLLOW_OK and TOGGLE_FOLLOW_NOK. We also identified some possible targets for refactoring (some actions are duplicated) but do not act on them just yet. When we will stop and have a look at our application performance and size, we may DRY things up further.

Behaviour implementation

The implementation (src/behaviour/profile.js) derives directly from the modelization. We reproduce here the main part which are the transitions:

export const profileTransitions = [
    from: "profile",
    event: INIT_EVENT,
    to: "fetching-auth-for-profile",
    action: fetchAuthenticationAndProfileUsername
    from: "fetching-auth-for-profile",
    event: AUTH_CHECKED,
    guards: [
        predicate: isUserProfileMyArticlesRoute,
        to: "user-profile-rendering",
        action: fetchMyArticlesAndProfileAndRender
        predicate: isUserProfileFavoritesRoute,
        to: "user-profile-rendering",
        action: fetchFavoriteArticlesAndProfileAndRender
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderFetchedArticles
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderFetchArticlesFailed
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderFetchedProfile
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderFetchedProfileFailed
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    event: TOGGLED_FOLLOW,
    to: "fetch-auth-for-profile-follow",
    action: fetchAuthentication,
    from: "fetch-auth-for-profile-follow",
    event: AUTH_CHECKED,
    guards: [
        predicate: isUserNotAuthenticated,
        to: "routing",
        action: redirectToSignUp
        predicate: isUserAuthenticatedAndFollowedProfile,
        to: "user-profile-rendering",
        action: unfollowProfileAndRender
        predicate: isUserAuthenticatedAndUnfollowedProfile,
        to: "user-profile-rendering",
        action: followProfileAndRender
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    event: TOGGLE_FOLLOW_OK,
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderToggleFollowedProfile
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderToggleFollowProfileFailed
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    event: FAVORITE_OK,
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderLiked
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    event: FAVORITE_NOK,
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderLikeFailed
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    event: UNFAVORITE_OK,
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderUnliked
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    event: UNFAVORITE_NOK,
    to: "user-profile-rendering",
    action: renderUnlikeFailed
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    to: "fetch-auth-for-profile-favorite",
    action: fetchAuthenticationAndUpdateFavoriteStatusForProfile
    from: "fetch-auth-for-profile-favorite",
    event: AUTH_CHECKED,
    guards: [
        predicate: isNotAuthenticated,
        to: "routing",
        action: redirectToSignUp
        predicate: and(isAuthenticated, isArticleLiked),
        to: "user-profile-rendering",
        action: unlikeAuthorArticleAndRender
        predicate: and(isAuthenticated, not(isArticleLiked)),
        to: "user-profile-rendering",
        action: likeAuthorArticleAndRender
    from: "user-profile-rendering",
    event: CLICKED_PAGE,
    to: "fetching-auth-for-profile",
    action: fetchArticlesPage
  { from: "profile", event: ROUTE_CHANGED, to: "routing", action: updateURL },


We implemented the Profile route of our Conduit clone application. As the user interface for the Profile route had commonalities both at the interface and behavior level with the Home route, we were able to reuse part of the Home route implementation. We also identified further opportunities for code size reduction.